27 September 2008

enya the hairdresser

enya has got herself a Saturday job. it's at the hair salon where she has just finished two weeks of work experience- well done.

she will need willing victims with long hair to practice on.... anyone?? i think tara will be the first to help out her big sister :O)

haircut of the century?

** STOP PRESS ** As I write this, Esben is finally getting his hair cut, for the first time in 381 days! This is what he looks like right now.

Update: this is what he looks like a couple of hours later.

13 September 2008

surf school

Today was Elisabeth's turn to have a go at surfing, with me as her instructor. I think she did very well given the low quality of instruction and the pathetically small waves.
I think I can spot the problem in the first shot: the surfboard is facing out to sea!

12 September 2008

new iMac up and running

Got the new iMac this week but have been too busy with other things to really get it going. My first priority is to copy everything over from the old iMac to the new one. The simplest way to do this is to link them together via FireWire and use the Migration Assistant.

UPDATE: sorted.

ploughing up and down again

Finally managed to get up and go for a morning swim before work today. This is the first time since early Summer. To "help" my motivation, I bought a 6 month season ticket.

I also went to the gym yesterday evening for a 1 hour cycling/spinning session. So this has been a surf-cycle-swim week for me!

09 September 2008

what was that all about?

My 44 wasp sting-free years have come to an end. I would have posted a photo of the affected area for you but, disappointingly, there is really not that much to see. You'll have to make do with a stock wasp photo.

The worst part is I don't understand why I was stung - the vicious attack was totally unprovoked. Luckily I'm not one to bear a grudge, so the guilty party can live on to sting someone else another day.

07 September 2008

tim can surf

I've just completed a 2 day surfing course with srfsnosk8. And even though the instructor didn't turn up today I loved every minute of it. The conditions were ideal for beginners: an offshore wind both days with 60 cm waves yesterday and 70 cm today.

Update: here is a cheesey slide show for your enjoyment!

01 September 2008

swimming and mother tongue

Tara's swimming club started training sessions again after a long break for the Summer. It was obvious that Tara had been doing plenty of swimming during the holidays and she didn't seem to mind that they no longer use their flippers in the pool.
After swimming it was full speed down the road for her after-school "mother tongue" (surely "father tongue") lessons.
Mondays are now officially her busiest day of the week.